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Creating accounts

This section is for developers and administrators of Port0 itself and documents interals. If you are a developer who wants to integrate your applications with Port0, please refer to the developer documentation.

To initiate account creation, collect a valid IIITK email address from the user and send the following request to the server:

This endpoint has strict rate limits.
POST JSON /auth/register
    "email": "<...>@iiitkottayam.ac.in"

The server will send a verification OTP to the email address. Collect the OTP from the user and send the following request to the server:

This endpoint has strict rate limits.
POST JSON /auth/verify
    "email": "<...>@iiitkottayam.ac.in",
    "otp": "<OTP>"

    "token": "<JWT>"

Proceed to create a new account with the JWT token in the Authorization header:

For the key hash use the following algorithm:

  1. Use salted PBKDF2 hashing with 1000 iterations to generate a 32 bit key from the password.

  2. Store the the key as the encryption key locally.

  3. Hash the password again using SHA-256 and use it as the password hash for verification.

  4. Now, encrypt the information into a 256 bit AES string using the 32 bit PKBDF2 key generated earlier and store it as the vault.

  5. Send the auth JWT, the salt, the SHA-256 hashed password and the 256 bit AES encrypted vault to the server.

Port0 Register Flow

This endpoint has strict rate limits.
POST JSON /auth/create
Authorization: Bearer <JWT>

    "salt": "<PBKDF2 salt>",
    "keyHash": "<key hash>",
    "aes256Bit": "<aes256Bit String>",